

Senior Consultant
+49 (0) 30 44 32 38 0


Industry & Machinery
Consumer & Retail
Professional Services

Experience & Career

Growing up in Germany and Austria, Jan Wiegmann completed a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration & E-Business Management at IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems and went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in General Psychology and a Master of Science in Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology with a focus on Economic Psychology from the University of Vienna. He has also completed professional training in coaching.

Seine Berufslaufbahn im Executive Search begann bereits während des Masterstudiums in Wien. Zunächst als Praktikant in einer Wiener Boutique und dann als administrative Kraft im Wiener Büro eines der börsennotierten Weltmarktführer im Executive Search Korn Ferry. Seit 2020 ist Herr Wiegmann im Executive Search bei PAWLIK Executive in Berlin tätig und arbeitet an nationalen und internationalen Such-Projekten. Er verfügt insgesamt über 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Executive Search Industrie.

Jan’s core expertise lies in managing executive search mandates – identifying, attracting, and assessing the best candidates for leadership and specialist roles, while guiding clients and candidates throughout the selection process. His clients include organizations in life sciences, mechanical engineering, industrial/IIoT, professional services, telecommunications, and retail. He supports searches across various functions, including HR, finance, marketing, general management, and sales.

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